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Gamblin Galkyd Medium

Gamblin Galkyd Medium

From Regular price $22.95
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Gamblin Galkyd Medium is an alkyd resin based painting medium that increases the fluidity of oil colors and speeds their drying time (thin layers will dry within 24 hours). Gamblin Galkyd Mediums viscosity is similar to traditional painting mediums made from linseed stand oil. Gamblin Galkyd Medium levels brush strokes, creates a strong flexible paint film, and leaves an enamel-like glossy finish.

  • Alkyd based resin painting medium that thins oil paints and maintains a strong flexible paint film.
  • Galkyd speeds the drying rate and is excellent for glazing providing an enamel like finish.
  • For thinning, Gamblin recommends using Gamsol or a small amount of Refined Linseed Oil.
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