Refund policy

Returns & Exchanges

If you wish to return any of the items in your order you can send it back for a hassle free refund or exchange (excluding shipping). We offer a full refund within 30 days of your purchase, but before you send your item back to us at your own expense please double check the following:

The item needs to be in as-new condition, this means:

  • Unopened
  • Unused
  • All tags & labels should be attached

Overall, if it’s not in its original condition, unfortunately we won't be able to offer a full refund. 

In the interest of quality control, we cannot exchange or refund pens, markers, spray paint, paper sheets, gift cards or clearance items.

If everything is in order, we will get your return sorted ASAP.

Please click on this link to download our Return Authorization Form.

Faults & Damages

We will offer a full refund or exchange if:

An incorrect item was received.

The product is faulty or is not of acceptable quality.

The product is not fit for its intended purpose.

The product does not match the sample of our description or what is displayed or described on the labelling.

We reserve the right to elect to return the product to the manufacturer to determine the nature of a disputed problem.

We reserve the right to decline an exchange or refund where the item at fault is a result of obvious damage, misuse or neglect.

We are not obligated to exchange or refund if; a customer has found a cheaper product elsewhere, a customer has bought a gift that is unsuitable, if a customer was informed before purchase that the goods were clearly advertised or promoted as discounted imperfect, seconds, damaged or clearance items.