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Jacquard Solar Fast Film

Jacquard Solar Fast Film

Regular price $29.95
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Quick and Easy! This new method of fabric printing produces incredibly detailed results, with very little effort! This exciting new line of dyes opens a whole new world of possibilities, in both DIY fashion and fine arts. Printing on fabric has never been easier, no heat, steam or chemical setting needed, and it leaves fabric completely soft to the touch! On paper, SolarFast has zero relief and offers unbelievable detail. SolarFast is washable, lightfast and archival. SolarFast can be used to create photograms, shadow prints on fabric and paper. It can be used for  painting, tie dyeing, screen printing, stamping, batik and more. Just apply the dye, expose it to sunlight, wash and you're done! SolarFast is permanent on all artist papers and natural fabrics, including cotton, linen, canvas, silk, hemp, and wool.

  • Used to create photographic negatives for SolarFast & Cyanotype printing as well as film positives for screen printing
  • 8x 21.59 cm x 27.94 cm sheets. 
  • Sun exposure time is 10 minutes to 1 hour depending on surface
  • Permanent, washable, lightfast and archival
  • Leaves fabric completely soft to the touch!
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