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Atelier Thick Slow Medium

Atelier Thick Slow Medium

Regular price $17.95
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Atelier Thick Slow Medium can be used with Atelier Interactive to extend drying time for wet-in-wet techniques. Atelier Thick Slow Medium has a consistency similar to the paint and can be used as a wet bed of transparent medium that can be painted into. The Medium can applied first and the paint added wet in wet on top, or it can be added directly to the paint to spread and dilute it. Use Atelier Thick Slow Medium in any desired ratio with the paint and dilute with water to adjust consistency if desired. Wet blending can be carried out for many hours and the need to use a water atomiser is greatly reduced. Atelier Thick Slow Medium makes it easy to re-wet touch-dry paint, so before applying a glaze or varnish layer the painting should be set aside or sealed with 2 coats of Fast Medium/Fixer.

  • Increase wet-in-wet blending time
  • Clean up with mild soap & cool water
  • Water Based & Non Toxic
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